Irizzler Li
Role: CAD, Outreach, Engineering Notebook, Driver
Favorite STEM memory:
Additional Information: i like Dreamcatcher 🤪
Claire Liu
Role: Hardware
Favorite STEM memory:
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Leyna Zhou
Role: CAD, Engineering Notebook
Favorite STEM memory:
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Hangyu Dong
Role: Hardware, Driver
Favorite STEM memory:
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Alice Song
Role: Hardware, Engineering Notebook, Human Player
Favorite STEM memory:
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Larry Tong
Role: Software, Drive Coach
Favorite STEM memory:
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Role: Outreach, Engineering Notebook, Human Player
Favorite STEM memory:
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Kyle Chen
Role: Hardware, Drive Coach
Favorite STEM memory:
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Eric Han
Role: Software
Favorite STEM memory:
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Steven Zhang
Role: Provided location, leadership, helped applied for funding, and coordinated events
The Father
Role: Guidance, provided insights, and coordinated events
youth mentors
Austin Zhang
Role: Taught us programming and provided assistance during hardware
Jerry Li
Role: Taught us Fusion360 and other skills for FTC and offered guidance
Hongzhou Dong
Role: Helped improve the robot's strength, stability, and reliability
Wenbing Song
Role: Provided insight into robot building and the intake design process
Weiguo Han
Role: Contributed insights to our software development